Does God Have a Plan?

Does God Have a Plan

Does God have a plan for The Family Caregiver?

Does God have a plan is an interesting subject.  One day I was searching online for help with anxiety as a caregiver.  I came across Guidepost “Called to Be a Caregiver.”  It took my mind off of what was troubling me and I began reading about an interesting story of the cofounder of Home Instead Senior Care.  They told their story how they were praying and one thing led to another and they started their company.  I can just imagine how much bigger God’s plan was than Paul and Lori Hogan’s plans were for their life.

God’s plan, there’s only one way for us to find it and also the strength to carry it out.

God's plans are bigger than yours.

photo credit Saundra Lucas Pardue

Jesus spent a lot of time alone in prayer.  Maybe we family caregivers need to be more like Jesus.  Jesus faced His crisis calmly.  This is an area where I need a lot of practice.  It would serve me well to follow Jesus example.

  • Praying with other family caregivers
  • Listen more carefully
  • Only speak words of hope, encouragement and comfort.
  • Keep scripture close to your heart.

Finding joy in caregiving is part of God’s plan.

Caring for an aged parent can be a very lonely job so how do we find joy in our responsibilities?

We are honoring our parents.  I believe turning our world upside down to care for our elderly parent has to be a divine assignment from God. There are many burdens we carry but, in the end, they will turn into blessings.

Caring for our parents is both challenging and rewarding.   It may be a very painful experience and at the same time be one of the greatest blessing we could experience.  Have you ever been mad at God for your situation?

Joy comes in the morning.

Joy comes in the morning.Is caring for our parents only thought about when there is a crisis or should it be planned for?

Caring for an aging parent doesn’t just affect you but the whole family. Should your parent come before your family?  Wow so many things to think about.

Caregivers need to care for themselves first.  I haven’t.  It’s hard to do.  I forget about myself.  What about you?

The main important thing to learn about caring for your loved one is to turn our burdens over to God.   If you’re like me I keep taking them back.  I guess I must think I can do a better job.  NOPE.

This is a subject that should be discussed way before a crisis occurs and you’re scrambling to come up with a plan.  Start praying now and not at the last minute.

God’s plan is way better than anything I could come up with.

God showed me what to do when someone hurt me.

In the middle of the night I woke up in tears.  Feeling so hurt because someone told me I had too much drama and said that I’m the one who chose to care for mom.  This person is very close to me and I was broken.  I cried until I couldn’t hardly breathe.  Didn’t know how I was going to get thru the rest of the night I was so crushed.  So I cried out to God this time for help.  I’m telling you it was seconds.  Glad God doesn’t leave me.

The next thing I know I picked up a small little magazine that I had from a support group I attend which was laying on the table right in front of me. I was sitting there wondering how I could calm myself down and I saw this book laying in front of me and I just picked it up.  It was dated November 2012 and it was my life saver that night. I opened the cover and the title read  “I can choose not to suffer.”  I started reading and I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was exactly what I needed at that very moment.  Why are we surprised when God shows up?

I learned in a matter of minutes that I’m not special and that I’ll endure pain.  I’ll endure heartache.  Thank you, Jesus, for having my back at that critical moment when I didn’t know where to turn except to You and you had my back and healed my broken heart. There’s healing power in asking God for help and guidance.  You can read that same article right here.

Does God Have a Plan?

If you wonder what God’s plan is for you in all of this, read the scripture.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

The most effective caregiver who ever walked this earth was Jesus Christ.  He took care of those who were forgotten.

Remember that as we’re providing care by reaching our hands out to our older parents we’re telling them they’re important to us.

God does have a plan for the Family Caregivers.  LOVE, CARE and PRAY <3


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