Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret

Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret They Don’t Want You To Find.

Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret they don’t want you to find.

Do you know the medicaid recovery estate secret? Family Caregivers have had enough! Sacrifice your life, then find yourself on the curb? It’s admirable to give up our life and family to care for an elderly parent but we’re a “HUMAN” Too!

YES, we have feelings, emotions and health issues too. And, yes, there are advantages of caring for an aging parent. Building lasting memories <3

Now I know that Medicaid will want to get reimbursed some how some way. We have paid into the government for years and years and after our loved one has passed away the government or Medicaid now wants to take the home place and the estate so they can recoup what they paid out so learn the medicaid estate recovery secret before it’s to late by clicking the blue link right ==> so you don’t have to worry about your future if you know the correct steps to take!

The Truth About The Medicaid Recovery Secret

Which is why reading this article and learning your rights to the Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret is very important to you or a family member.


Being a family caregiver ain’t all popsicles and baby giggles.

> You don’t get paid diddly-squat.

> It takes forever (and a day) *to* find support.

> Your life has been reversed.

> The odds are way way WAY against you, there will be many ups and downs.

> Those who beat the odds usually end up broke, physically wore out, mentally and emotionally drained.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture, don’t you? And look, call me a negative person all you want. But I’ve lived it and still living it… I’ve cared for 3 family members and several friends and still the primary caregiver to my 99 year old mother.

You have to be committed! Time and time again family caregivers

… work their butt off…

… only to be left with a maxed-out credit card, no savings and maybe sitting on the curb.

Has this ever happened to someone you know? If so, stop right now.

Learn what the ‘Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret’ is about.

Poof.. PART of your problem solved.

Hey, it’s Donna Harris aka ‘Donna The Crazy Caregiver’.

We put this special report together called:

Discover The ‘Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret’ They Don’t Want You To Know…

Because, well, that’s what we felt like we had to do. (Could be your solution.) If you’re worried about the sacrifice you’ve made and not knowing what your future will look like… after taking care of everyone but yourself…


Watch the short video…if you want to learn more click the link.

‘That’s it’

Best of all, hopefully you will no longer have to worry about where you will go after your aging parent has passed.

> You call the shots, NOT Medicaid.

> Take control of your future.

> The info is all public.

> You just have to have the time and energy to locate it.

> And nobody can pull the rug out from under you once this is secure.

NOW take just a few minutes to learn more below. And once you click the link, the info could SET YOU FREE. (It will, if you do it right.)

“Sounds too good to be true,” you might think. Listen, you need to get busy while your parents are still on this earth with you. You still gotta learn some stuff.   And put in the work. But it’s a small price to pay considering the upside. Besides, relax. You could be saving thousands of dollars.

Let me prove it. I can back up everything I just said and show you how this adult daughter, ME.. saved my mother’s home…

Even if you have no money and no clue where to start, in fact, all you need is a laptop to get started.

Hey, I know you want to get this taken care of. I know you don’t enjoy breaking your back while everyone else has a life and building a nest egg.

AND the fact that, after the passing of your aging parent, some stranger can put a letter in the mail to you… without warning and tell you they are taking everything that your parents saved and worked hard for …

I know how devastating it would be to receive a letter like this right after you lost your loved one.

So get the facts on the State Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret!

If you take charge right now and get this taken care of the chances of getting a letter in the mail with this kind of news is less likely to happen.  So let me help you get this DONE!

… If you’ve “had it up to here” with the government funded agencies that are slow-moving when you need help but QUICK when there is something in it for them and offers you zero peace of mind.

It’s time to get your ducks in a row and get prepared for the day that you may be dreading. Here’s what you need to do, right now:

Head on over to:

When you get there, watch the very short video and read every word on the page. If you decide there is value in it for you and your family, then go ahead and click the link and learn what could be one of the most important days of your life. Once you click the link it will take you to a page where you can type in your very best email. Type it in manually if you’re on mobile. (Using “autofill” sometimes messes it up.) Then check your inbox.

Here’s the link one last time:

It’s your choice…click-through, enter a valid email, get schooled.

See you in the free video about the Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret.

~ Donna Harris aka Donna The Crazy Caregiver

3 responses to “Medicaid Recovery Estate Secret They Don’t Want You To Find.”

  1. […] Categories Select Category Advocacy  (2) Aging  (1) Aging Health  (6) Caregiver Guilt  (7) Caregiver Selfcare  (12) Caregiver Support  (8) Caregiving  (8) caregiving technology  (1) Caregiving Tips  (7) Chronic Disease  (1) costs of care  (4) family relations  (1) FamilyCaregiver  (19) Hearing Loss  (2) Homecare  (1) Impact of Aging Parents  (11) Inspirational  (3) Medical Issues  (2) Medicare and Medicaid  (1) Memory Loss and Impairment  (1) prevention and planning  (1) Support  (2) […]

  2. […] Categories Select Category Advocacy  (2) Aging  (1) Aging Health  (6) Caregiver Guilt  (7) Caregiver Selfcare  (12) Caregiver Support  (8) Caregiving  (8) caregiving technology  (1) Caregiving Tips  (7) Chronic Disease  (1) costs of care  (4) family relations  (1) FamilyCaregiver  (19) Hearing Loss  (2) Homecare  (1) Impact of Aging Parents  (11) Inspirational  (3) Medical Issues  (2) Medicare and Medicaid  (1) Memory Loss and Impairment  (1) prevention and planning  (1) Support  (2) […]

  3. […] Categories Select Category Advocacy  (2) Aging  (1) Aging Health  (6) Caregiver Guilt  (7) Caregiver Selfcare  (12) Caregiver Support  (8) Caregiving  (8) caregiving technology  (1) Caregiving Tips  (7) Chronic Disease  (1) costs of care  (4) family relations  (1) FamilyCaregiver  (19) Hearing Loss  (2) Homecare  (1) Impact of Aging Parents  (11) Inspirational  (3) Medical Issues  (2) Medicare and Medicaid  (1) Memory Loss and Impairment  (1) prevention and planning  (1) Support  (2) […]

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