Lord, one more time

ONE MORE TIME LORD, just let me remember.

It’s a little before noon and mom is napping as I write.  First thing on her mind this morning was remembering that it was my dad’s birthday.  She has been remembering memories that she shared with my dad for several days now leading up to today, his birthday.

Yesterday was a sunny day so I as soon as I got home from my support meeting and got mom put together (HA HA) and took her out for a ride.  She loves her joy rides.  She doesn’t hear well even with her hearing aid and with not being able to walk nor hear it is very hard thinking of things to do so the main thing is just being able to get her out in the fresh air where she can see what’s around her and let her enjoy the journey.

And so here I am.

Sitting here at my computer and sipping on a cold glass of water.  Wondering about and remembering past days.

I have cared for my sweet dad and my sweet sister Carolyn and had to say goodbye to both of them.  It was hard but some of my best memories.  They were both artists and a lover of music.  They both left a legacy behind that none of us ever want to forget.

Fast forward quite a few years or so, here I am caring for mom and have for about 16 yrs now.  There have been tough times in caring for all three of my family members but I would do it all over again even knowing the battles and depression I’ve gone thru I would still do it again.

Sometimes I can’t make any sense of why it was me that was chosen to care for my family members, it wasn’t something that I went to school for or had a passion to be a caregiver.  Many days have been tough but in the end I would do it all over again.  It is what it is.  RIGHT?

I do my best to keep my dad and my sisters memories alive.  I do my best even through the tough days to make memories with my mother because I know in the end I will be thankful that I did.

I hope I can help someone else who is a caregiver when their day isn’t going very well and they need inspiration to hold on.

I never knew it would be me to give my life for my parents and my sister.  I know other caregivers and their words of wisdom, their tips, and their stories have kept me going and helped me to be strong.

As I read in another post that I was reading, we all want one more day with our loved ones, don’t we?

Family Caregivers care for aging parents along with grandchildren.
Family Caregivers care for aging parents along with grandchildren.

We want one more year… one more month… one more…one more week, day or even a second with our loved one.  I want my children to have one more Christmas with their grandmother.  I want my grandchildren to have one more day enjoying time with their Great Grandma.

Like we remember my sweet dad and sister… I want mom to be remembered in a special way.

By me.  By others who love her even though they’ve never met her.  Mom is loved by so many younger adults that were children growing up as my parents pastored a local church.  She is still loved by many of them and that’s why I started this blog.  I want our aging parents and our loved ones whom we have cared for to live on in our lives.

And so today, as I sit here at my computer typing while mom is napping I remember my other family members I have cared for and how that time has been an inspiration to me and how I can sit here and remember the special times I had with my dad and my sister and can help me get through the remainder of my caregiving days with mom.

And someday when your moment comes and you’re caring for someone you love… maybe, just maybe, you will remember my mother and how our lives are woven together with others in a way that we never expected it to be and their lives and memories will live on

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